How to Maximize Heating Efficiency and Save on Energy Bills During Illinois Winters - Ernst Heating & Cooling

How to Maximize Heating Efficiency and Save on Energy Bills During Illinois Winters

Did this winter’s freezing temperatures leave a cold mark on your energy bills? Higher heating bills during cold weather aren’t unexpected, but nobody welcomes extra expenses, especially when the holiday bills are arriving as well. Ernst Heating & Cooling of Hamel, Illinois, has some money-saving tips that will allow you to maximize your heating system’s efficiency without running up a tab with the utility company. Keep your home comfortable without breaking the bank!

Go low on the thermostat

Setting your thermostat back 7°-10°F from its normal setting can save you as much as 10 percent on your heating bills, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. There’s no need to become a human icicle, though. Take advantage of nighttime hours to lower the heat settings, when everyone’s snuggled under warm blankets. Invest in a programmable thermostat so the heat kicks on before the alarm goes off in the morning.  Ernst can even set you up with a smart thermostat that can learn your family’s schedule and sense when the house is empty, so you’re not paying for extra heat.

Clean or replace your filter

If your heating system uses forced air, it includes an air filter that grabs the dust and dirt that can damage the delicate mechanisms. Over time, however, that crud can build up. Your system has to work harder to pull air through a dirty filter, and that’s going to force it to expend extra energy. Make sure you replace the air filter once a month or according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Seal the leaks

Even a small opening can let in a lot of cold air. Use weatherstripping to seal the doors and windows in your home. While you’re at it, make sure your home is well-insulated. Hint: If your roof is bare while your neighbors’ roofs are covered with snow, you may be paying for heat you never get a chance to enjoy.

Check your heating system

If you’re relying on an ancient heating system to provide you with modern warmth and comfort, you may be disappointed. Newer heating systems are often more efficient and pay you back with monthly savings on your energy bills. Is it time for a new system? If your heat pump is more than 10 years old or your furnace or boiler is more than 15 years old, you may be wasting money on an inefficient system. Ernst Heating & Cooling can help you determine if it makes sense to repair your old system or replace it.

Invest in regular maintenance

It’s tempting to think it’s OK to skip that heating and cooling system maintenance. But this error of omission can be a costly mistake, especially when you go several seasons without a professional inspection and thorough cleaning. At Ernst, we recommend two annual tune-ups – one in the spring and one in the fall – to keep your system in peak shape. Our Ernst Comfort Plan makes it easy to stay on top of this task. For a small monthly charge, you’ll get two scheduled tune-ups, priority scheduling, and a 15 percent discount on any necessary repairs. Regular maintenance is often a requirement for appliance warranties. Besides, you can’t put a price on your peace of mind when the weather is frigid and you’re inside staying warm.

Ernst Heating & Cooling is your winter heating expert in Metro East Illinois. If you’re noticing high heating bills, or you house doesn’t seem to get warm enough, give us a call at 618-217-1836 or request your appointment online at Stay comfortable without blowing your winter heating budget when you partner with Ernst Heating & Cooling.

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