Why Whole-House Humidifiers are Superior to Portable Units at Controlling Humidity

Why Whole-House Humidifiers are Superior to Portable Units at Controlling Humidity

A whole-house humidifier is a great way to protect your family from the unhealthy effects of dry air in the winter. If your family frequently complains of dry noses, cracked and itchy skin, and sore throats during the heating season, you should consider installing a central humidifier to help alleviate their suffering.

While the physical symptoms of dry winter air may be caused by any number of things, there are other ways to tell if the air in your home is too dry. Static electricity, splitting or cracked wood floors, and chipping paint and plaster can all signal that the air in your household could use a little more humidity.

When you install a whole-house humidifier, it will be connected directly to your existing heating and cooling system. From there it will introduce water vapor into your home’s air supply via your ductwork. This is an efficient and effective way of introducing and maintaining consistent humidity throughout your home.

Without question, whole-house humidifiers are better than the more commonly used portable units. Portable units only introduce humidity into one room and do not circulate air in other rooms in the home. Furthermore, portable units often make rooms too humid, which can lead to mold problems. They can also make rooms cold and clammy or hot and sticky depending on your thermostat settings.

Conversely, a whole-house humidifier is better equipped at preventing these problems because it’s connected directly to your heating system, and is equipped with far superior controls that help maintain uniform humidity levels in every room.

Finally, there’s the obvious difference: a whole-house humidifier doesn’t require you to constantly fill it up, clean it out, and set it up every time you want to use it. In fact, once installed it’s virtually maintenance and worry free, other than a yearly cleaning.

At Ernst Heating & Cooling we believe in giving our customers the highest quality solutions for their heating and cooling issues. We have proudly served the Metro-East area for 60 years and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding whole-house humidifiers.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Hamel, Metro East Illinois and the surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

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