Air Conditioner Service Will Allow Your System To Function Efficiently

Air Conditioner Service Removes Dirt And Grime, Allowing Your System To Function Efficiently

Making sure that you have your A/C serviced regularly and maintained is essential to the health of your system. Dust can damage electrical components, cause electrical shorts, abrade moving parts and lead to refrigerant leakage. Dust can also cause over-heating and overall system failure, which can leave you in a situation that is both avoidable and potentially expensive to correct. If pressure drops in your system, you will not receive the full benefit that your system was designed for, and this may cost you in more in the long run. Regular A/C service can keep your cooling system running smoothly for years to come.

When you have your A/C serviced, your technician should clean all the dust and debris from your system. He should also clean and inspect your disconnect box, low voltage connectors and circuits, and your system’s coil. Your technician should check to see if your A/C system needs to be recharged, and if it’s an older system determine whether an upgrade to your system is warranted. It’s highly recommended that your technician also inspect your ductwork for dust, mold and leaks. This is the perfect time to change or upgrade your air filter in order to get the best performance out of your A/C system.

At Ernst Heating and Cooling we can offer you any advice you may need and will gladly schedule an appointment to inspect and tune up your air conditioning system. We proudly serve the Metro-East area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about a/c service and other HVAC topics, visit our blog.

Ernst Heating & Cooling services Hamel, Illinois and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!     

AC repair man image via Shutterstock

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