How to Keep Your AC in Great Shape - Ernst Heating & Cooling

How to Keep Your AC in Great Shape


Your home’s AC can be your best friend in the summer – until it decides to take a vacation and leave you baking in the Midwest heat. A refreshingly cool home doesn’t happen by accident. Did you know that your AC unit has a lifespan of about 10-12 years? Make sure your AC unit is giving you its best cooling game with tips from Ernst Heating & Cooling of Hamel, IL.

Change the air filter

When your AC draws in air from the outside, it pulls it through a filter that is the first defense against dust, debris, pollen, and other space invaders. Over time, the filter can become dirty or clogged, creating resistance and forcing the AC unit to work harder to move cool air around your home. It can even lead to an AC breakdown, which you don’t want to experience during a record-hot day. Replace your filter according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Ernst Heating & Cooling can give you timely advice and help you determine which air filter is best for your home and system.

Clean the area around your outside unit

Over time, your outdoor unit can become dirty and clogged with dead leaves, sticks, dirt, and other nuisances. Always ensure that nearby foliage and yard debris haven’t accumulated around the unit because this can impede airflow and force your system to work harder. Make sure your outdoor chores include the exterior AC unit. Pick up the dead sticks and leaves that Mother Nature left behind after the last storm. Once your outdoor water is turned on for the warmer months, unplug the outside unit and hose it down to remove dirt and grime.

Clean the inside of the unit as well

While your unit is unplugged, go ahead and remove the fan cage at the top and take a peek to see what’s settled inside your unit. Use your hands or a shop vacuum to remove the dust, dirt, and other yard trash that found its way inside the unit. Grab your hose and gently spray to clean the fins from the inside out. If you notice some fins have become bent over time, use a screwdriver or butter knife to straighten them out. (Be careful of the tubing underneath the fins, however.)

Step inside and clean the evaporator coil

Your AC unit relies on an evaporator coil to absorb and expel heat. Over time, these coils can become grimy, preventing them from absorbing and expelling heat properly. Even worse, they can become a breeding ground for fungus, mold, and bacteria. Again, ensure the unit is unplugged before you begin cleaning. Remove the access panel and take a peek at the coils inside. Use a commercially available mild detergent and water solution to clean your coils.

Keep your hands clean, and let the Ernst experts do the job!

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by the thought of removing fan cages and panels in your AC unit, that’s OK. Schedule an AC tune-up with Ernst Heating & Cooling, and we’ll do the dirty work! Our professional technicians will thoroughly inspect your unit and give it the all-over cleaning it’s craving. We’ll also examine the moving parts, lubricating, tightening, and adjusting them as needed. Make your life even easier by enrolling in the Ernst Comfort Plan, which saves you time and money. The Ernst Comfort Plan gives you two precision tune-ups yearly, plus a 15 percent discount on repairs and air filters. We’ll even call you to schedule the appointments, so there’s no chance you’ll forget this important heating and cooling maintenance. Summer is almost upon us, and you’ll want a cool home. Do your AC maintenance chores now and give yourself cool peace of mind, knowing you’ve done all you can to keep your system in tip-top shape. Find out more about AC maintenance and the Ernst Comfort Plan at 618.217.1836, or fill out our online form to request an appointment.

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