Nothing Spooky About It: HVAC Myths vs. Facts - Ernst Heating & Cooling

Nothing Spooky About It: HVAC Myths vs. Facts

Myths vs facts

What do you know about HVAC? Even if you think you’d flunk HVAC 101, you fortunately have Ernst Heating & Cooling on your side to troubleshoot the big problems when they occur in your Metro East, IL, home. But what about the prevailing wisdom about heaters and air conditioners? Are you up on your facts? Or are you falling for some HVAC myths?

Don’t be spooked by myths and scary stories. Let’s look at some common HVAC myths and uncover the truth that will keep you happy and warm this winter.

Myth: You don’t really need to change your air filters regularly

Your HVAC system air filter plays an important role in keeping dirt, debris, pollen, and other irritants out of your home’s air supply. Most manufacturers recommend regular replacement. You may be tempted to skip this household chore, especially if your unit is out of sight and out of mind. However a dirty air filter forces your system to work harder, and that can lead to higher energy costs and potential damage to the system. Stick to the replacement schedule recommended by the manufacturer.

Myth: The biggest, most expensive HVAC system is best for your home

When you’re ready to replace your HVAC unit, talk to our Ernst Heating & Cooling HVAC technicians about the various options. Bigger isn’t necessarily better when it comes to your home’s HVAC unit. An oversized unit can make your air abnormally hot or cold, and its uneven heating can cause temperature fluctuations throughout your home. When the system works too quickly, it may also start up and shut down rapidly, a condition known as “short cycling” that leads to greater wear and tear. Let your Ernst Heating & Cooling HVAC technician determine the optimal size for your home. We’re trained to do that.

Myth: Turning up the thermostat will quickly warm up a cold home

A cold front came through last night, and you’re waking up to a frosty home. Sorry, but setting your thermostat to 90° won’t make your home warm up any faster.  Avoid these cold surprises by setting your programmable thermostat to switch to heating mode when the temperatures drop.

Myth: Duct tape repairs ducts

Yes, it sounds like it should make sense. After all, it’s called duct tape, right? While this sticky stuff has many interesting and fun uses, sealing ducts isn’t one of them. The hot air flowing through the ductwork can melt down the seal, leading to continued energy loss. If you notice cracks or openings in your ductwork, let Ernst Heating & Cooling handle the repair.

Myth: Save money by shutting the registers in rooms you’re not using

Your home’s ductwork system was designed to heat and cool your home efficiently. Closing registers in unused spaces can interfere with airflow and potentially damage the system.

Myth: If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it

Are you one of those people who thinks it’s OK to skip your regular furnace and A/C tune-up appointments? Your house feels fine, you say. What could go wrong, you think? Plenty. You may not be noticing any warning signs, but small problems in your HVAC unit can lead to big breaks and hefty repair bills. That’s why we encourage our customers to take advantage of the Ernst Comfort Plan. This maintenance agreement gives you two precision tune-ups a year, plus priority scheduling and repair discounts.

Don’t be spooked by HVAC myths. Stay educated about your system and rely on Ernst Heating & Cooling to keep it running and in good working order, regardless of the system. Did you forget to schedule your fall tune-up? Call us now at 618.217.1836 or request your appointment online here.

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