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thermostat wars

How to Stop the Battle Over the Thermostat in Your Home

Do you and your spouse disagree over the ideal temperature setting at home? Is someone constantly trying to adjust the thermostat? If your Metro East home feels like a battleground between hot and cold, Ernst Heating & Cooling can help with tips and suggestions for ending the thermostat wars.

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The Importance of Regular Heating and Cooling Maintenance in the Spring

Why is it important to schedule a regular heating and cooling system maintenance visit in the spring🪻🌹? Our online blog has 4️⃣good reasons.

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Carbon Monoxide Detectors: What Features Should You Look For

Setting out to buy carbon monoxide (CO) detectors for your home is a wise decision. Detectors placed wisely around your home will protect you from unexpected CO leaks that could be lethal. Don’t think that all detectors are built the same, though, some have different features that may be better for your home. Basic Features

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Corrosion in Your Water Heater: Here’s How to Prevent It

Your water heater is a significant investment in your Metro-East home. Learn how to find and prevent corrosion to keep it working at peak performance. Galvanic Corrosion When two different metals are in contact, an electrochemical process called galvanic corrosion can take place. In galvanic corrosion, one of the metals corrodes much faster than the

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Home Too Humid? Consider a Whole-House Solution

Is your Glen Carbon or Alton home too humid? Controlling humidity levels can prove a challenge for any household. However, having balanced humidity not only provides a more comfortable living space, but also prevents moisture build-up, which can lead to major homeowner problems such as mold growth and damage to carpets, wooden furniture and leather

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HVAC Energy Efficiency Standards Are Going Up: What’s in Store for Your Southwest Illinois Home?

Several years ago, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) established new HVAC energy efficiency standards in an effort to curb energy consumption. They divided the country into separate regions based on their heating and cooling needs and based the higher standards on each region’s need for heating and cooling. Southwest Illinois and St. Louis fall

HVAC Energy Efficiency Standards Are Going Up: What’s in Store for Your Southwest Illinois Home? Read More »

A Geothermal System for Your Southwest Illinois Home: How Tax Credits Can Help

Updated 8/2019 If you’re considering replacing or adding a geothermal system to your home, you’re on the right track of energy savings and improved home comfort! Additionally, the federal government is offering a 30% tax credit on qualified geothermal system purchase and installation through 2019. After 2019, systems will still be eligible for a tax credit,

A Geothermal System for Your Southwest Illinois Home: How Tax Credits Can Help Read More »

When the A/C Stops Cooling, Know What to Look For

With the main part of summer still ahead of us, you want to be comfortable in your air-conditioned home. However, what do you do if your A/C stops cooling? Before you pick up that phone and call an HVAC company to come look at your A/C, here are a few troubleshooting tips you can employ

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Three Types of Indoor Air Pollution That Are Bad News: How to Put a Lid on Them

Indoor air pollution can be a major problem. The first step in improving the indoor air quality in your southwest Illinois home is to understand the three main types of indoor air pollution, and the second step is knowing how to stop them. The three main causes of air pollution in your home can be

Three Types of Indoor Air Pollution That Are Bad News: How to Put a Lid on Them Read More »

Vacation Plans? Here’s a Plan for Your Home While You’re Away

Are you ready for a vacation away from your southwest Illinois home? Before you leave for the airport, it’s important to set up a plan to protect your home, reduce energy costs, and prevent you from coming home to an unnecessary disaster. Consider the following helpful vacation plans and tips: Leave the A/C on and

Vacation Plans? Here’s a Plan for Your Home While You’re Away Read More »

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